Post production explained

landscapes, Lightroom, Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks

Another before and after short explanation.

A lot of people have liked this image on facebook, and this inspired me to repeat once again the importance of good development of your images.

Hallerbos before and after

What happened in post production? For those familiar to Lightroom, here we go: (to those not familiar to Lightroom – I enhanced the image 😉 )

color temperature slightly warmer, tint unchanged

added a +0,18 stops exposure +40 contrast +97 highlights (to accentuate the sun ray’s/highlights)

HSL panel:

Added +8 in purple Hue settings

Added +35 and +23 in respectively Blue and Purple saturation

Added +25 in Blue luminance

Local adjustments:

Added 2 gradient filters:

1 to darken the tree trunks from top: exposure -0,94 – highlights +63 – shadows +24

1 to darken foreground from bottom: exposure -0,94 – highlights +62

Added 1 radial filter:

position: central, horizontally shaped, where I wanted the sun rays to be accentuated:

settings: exposure +0,99 – highlights +63 – shadows -71 – clarity +33 –  sharpness +20 (inverted mask to work on the central area, not on the outside area)


I sincerely hope this will inspire you to work a little on your images too. You don’t need Lightroom to enhance them, a lot of these things can be done in other RAW development applications too, some coming for free with your digital camera.

see you soon,

Intimacy on stage

Analog, beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures

After the ‘movement on stage’, we concluded the session with some more intimate moments. I have photographed digitally as well as analog, on medium format Yashica 635 with Kodak TMax 100 film.

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Thank you Pauline, for being my model.

make up: Hanna

Hair & assistance: Nathalie


thank you for watching,


Upcoming exhibits

exhibition, Personal Pictures

The difficult task of making selections:


upcoming exhibits:
Kaleidoscope (Group expo teachers photography KISP) 22/04 – 15/05. CJK Claeys Bouüaert – Kasteeldreef 2, 9030 Mariakerke. Practical information can be found here:
Madammen in Damme 30/04 – 16/05. Group expo throughout the village of Damme, my work will be visible at: Oude Galerie Delporte, Kattestraat 2, 8340 Damme. Practical information can be found here:
Gafodi f/50 04/06 – 20/06. A large photo festival, with a lot of exhibiting photographers and photo events in all entities of Gavere.
My work will be visible at:
Exterior exhibit: Kasteeldreef kasteel Grenier, Entrance trough Molenstraat, Gavere.
Interior exhibit: Kasteel Baudries, Kerkstraat 5, Dikkelvenne-Gavere.

More information will soon be available here: Gafodi

spread the word, everybody welcome! 🙂


Summary video: Workshop – Available light portrait photography.

beauty, Personal Pictures, personal tips & tricks

A short summary about a workshop I did last year.
I finally found the time to make a short clip from the footage that was shot during the workshop.
You’ll see in this video:

A short briefing round, where I explain some different lighting situations
A behind the scene’s montage from the participants at work
Some resulting images from the workshop.

The Video!

Some images:

Gafodi workshop BTSHappy viewing,


Aude in the bathroom/bedroom – analog

Analog, beauty, Personal Pictures

First post on the newly hosted blogsite:

(the old site will be updated for a little while though)

A small series of analog images with the Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar, Kodak TMax400 film.









thank you for watching,

make sure to come again soon,



My body is my temple – nsfw

Nude, Personal Pictures

She hesitated to agree with publishing this image, but she did. Thank you Jane. It was a pleasure to work with you, and you expressed gratitude to what we achieved together. I’m glad I could bring you confidence.


Jane, my body is my temple …


© ludwig desmet

Canon 5D mark II with Sigma 50mm f1.4 DG A

1/30s f2.0 ISO100

Aude at Bart & Anja’s house – Analog

Analog, beauty

I have worked an entire day with Aude, so we did a lot of different things.

After the ‘Castle shoot’, both analog and digital, we went to see Bart’s house. A beautifully situated cottage house in the Flemish Ardennes. Thank you Bart and Anja, for having me in.

A new location is always a bit harder to work with, but gives you plenty new possibilities for images. Please enjoy these analog images, taken with an old Yashica 635 camera, on a dull grey day.








and a ‘behind the scene’s image, remember, keep the lady warm.


thank you for watching, have a nice year’s end all of you,

ludwig desmet

Cat-Suit – NSFW

beauty, erotic, Nude

Please enjoy Jane, posing in her catsuit.

rather difficult to make images of a good looking body in a catsuit not look ‘sleazy’ or ‘cheesy’ or whatever you might call it. (cheap looking soft erotic style)

I hope I managed in some way to prevent these images from looking that way. I’ll leave the judgement up to you.

Images taken with Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro IS L (1 and 2) and Sigma 50 mm f1.4 DG A (3-4-5) – ISO 100 on Canon 5D II.


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Thank you for watching, thank you Jane, for being my patient model on this cold day, thank you to the owners of the house for granting me acces to this great playground.




Surfing the clouds – nsfw

beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures, Uncategorized

Now that the days have turned dark and wet and cold, here in Belgium, time to look back at that great summer we had.

• Surfing the clouds •


1/100s f11 ISO100

Canon 5DII with Canon 17-40mm f4 at 19mm

Model: Pauline

Make up: Heidi

Photographer – me

location: shoes or no shoes – with permission

available as limited edition print.

The lady at the Castle

Analog, beauty, location, Uncategorized

The story is told that there is a ghost swarming above the castle lake at night. It is there to protect the treasure of gold and jewellery, hidden in the waters of the lake.
I’ve never seen the ghost, nor have I any proof about the treasures existence, but it sure does great as a photo shoot backdrop.

I have a lot more images from this series, analog as well as digital, so visit this blog again soon to see the remainder results.

This image: Rolleiflex 3.5 TLR with Kodak T-Max100 film.

Aude Rolleiflex012


Model: Aude

Make up: Heidi

Hair: Nathalie


photographer: Ludwig 😉

Damsel in Distress

beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures

talking about archetypes 😉

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 The damsel in distress or persecuted maiden is a classic theme in world literature, art, film and video games. She is usually a beautiful young woman placed in a dire predicament by a villain or monster and who requires a hero to achieve her rescue. After rescuing her, the hero often obtains her hand in marriage. She has become a stock character of fiction, particularly of melodrama. Though she is usually human, she can also be of any other species, including fictional or folkloric species; and even divine figures such as an angel, spirit, or deity.

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I developed these images a bit ‘off style’ or at least off my style, like or not?

All images with Canon 5D II and Sigma 50 mm f1.4 A DG.

1/25s f2.2 ISO 500 (close up images)

1/8s f2.2 ISO 250 (full body images) on tripod.

thank you for watching,


Justine in my garden – Analog

Analog, beauty, location, Personal Pictures

a series of images from late summer.

A perfect morning sun joined us this day. I took a couple of rolls of Kodak T-Max with me, along with my Rolleiflex 3.5

Still struggling with the focus system. I suppose that ‘autofocus’ was called ‘out of focus’ in those days. 😉



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Black – NSFW

beauty, Nude, Personal Pictures

a single image post.

I find it rather intimate and peaceful, expressing proud and stability.





tomorrow I will show you the counterpart, same setting, same pose, same model, just I as a photographer have moved.


Technical details: Canon 135mm f2.0L at f2.2, 1/200s, ISO 320

thank you for watching, don’t forget to come back tomorrow for ‘WHITE’


Analog on the attic

Analog, beauty, Personal Pictures

Hi there,

I have been developing some negatives from last summer lately.

First a series of images I took in a dark attic, on a dusk day. Ideal conditions for film-work with an antique camera. (Not!)

Hard to focus, hard to get shutter speeds high enough for hand held shooting. I worked with a 400ISO film and had to push it two stops (underexpose when exposing, then get a ‘pushed development’ in developing the film) to get a shutter speed of 1/15th of a second. I’m not really very fond of the exposures, because I think they lack grey tones. The images are very contrasty and full of grain.

All images Rolleiflex 3.5 75mm on Kodak TMax400 film.

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Come again soon.


Oh my goodness – NSFW


I’m getting more and more visitors on my site, year after year for which I am thankful. It means my images appeal to at least a certain public. But I get less and less likes or comments on my images. Not that that really bothers me, but it made me think that we might not have made much process in accepting nudity in society, since R. Doisneau made this little secret setup capturing the public reactions to a painting depicting a nude woman in some art gallery’s vitrine.

“La femme indignée by R. Doisneau 1948”. There’s more images to be found on the internet. look for ‘le regard oblique’.

Dare to express the love for female beauty my friends. Nothing wrong with that 😉

le regard oblique - doisneau

while you are here reading, you might as well take a look at my galleries, some new images are added from time to time.
